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Get to Know Us

Welcome! We’d love to invite you to come and see that Elkville Christian Church is a great place to visit. It is our pleasure to assist you in this all-important first visit! Please check out our FAQ section of what to expect. And if you have any further questions you are more than welcome to contact us!

About Us

Elkville Christian Church is a non-denominational church and is part of the church restoration movement. We accept believers from all Christian denominations, such as Catholics, Methodists, Lutherans, etc. Here, we believe that we are not the only Christians, but identify ourselves as Christians only.

We practice baptism by immersion as is found in the New Testament (Acts 2:36-38, Mark 16:16) and we offer The Lord’s Supper each week as an open communion for all believers (Luke 22:19, Acts 20:7). Our doctrine and practice is determined by the question, “What did the Church in the New Testament practice?”

Our Practice

Our Leadership Team

The Leadership Team at ECC consists of our Lead Minister, Family Minister, Elders and Deacons. Jesus is the head of our church, as He is for every church. Through the Scriptures, we are following his authority. All that we do must come from His guidelines set for us.

Everyone has a role to play in the church, not just the appointed leadership, but the congregation as well. It is the responsibility of all Christians to act on the Great Commission – that is to spread the gospel throughout the world (Matthew 28:16-20). As with any group, the church must be led. Those on our Leadership Team work closely together to build the body of Christ and shepherd His flock.

Lead Minister 

Gary Pruitt

Youth Minister

Landon Buser

Senior’s Director

Lyle Thompson

Pastor Emeritus

Jerry Aken


Dale Odom, Chairman of the Board
Doug Gibbs, Vice-Chairman of the Board
Gordon Burroughs
Gary Jones
Larry Hickman
Mark Wilson
Brandon Buser


Aaron Thompson, Chairman
Jordan Evans, Vice-Chair
Joyce Hickman, Secretary
Jake Gibbs
Paula Dunlap
Steve Perry


Brandon Buser
Gordon Burroughs
Lyle Thompson

Office Staff

Cayla Reiman, Secretary



Things You May Not Know About Baptism

Other Questions You May Have

Join Us!

Come see what ECC is all about! We’re located in Elkville, Illinois on the west side of IL Rt. 51, just across the railroad tracks.

114 S. 2nd Street
Elkville, IL 62932,
United States