Get Connected
It is important for us to be active members of our church so we can join with others in performing the work of the Church. To be a Christian is not just to be rightly related to God through faith in Christ; it is also to be linked with other believers in an effective ministry for Christ.
As Christians, we belong to God; we have given our lives for His service. You are not your own, you were bought with a price — the precious blood of Christ (1 Cor. 6:19-20). While we are not saved by good works, we are saved for good works (Eph. 2:10). We have been called by God’s grace to serve Him out of gratitude. We do this best when we serve together in and through the Church.
Serving Opportunities
We have many needs at the church. Some are behind the scenes but are just as important as any job that is seen by everyone. God has given us all a special talent. Yes, even you! Let us help you find your talent and use it to serve God at ECC. Check out more ways to serve on the Opportunities Board in the Lobby.
Serving Schedule
Check out the monthly serving schedule to see where you can help!
Children's and Youth Activities
Teen’s Activities
Ministry Teams
God gave us all special and unique gifts. John 15:5 reads, “I am the Vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” (MKJV)
Our ministry teams offer exciting opportunities for our church community to get connected with others through Christ, and help facilitate learning opportunities and engaging events for our congregation.
Whether you like hands on activities or prefer more behind-the-scenes involvement, our teams offer unique opportunities to support our church members and help others in their journey with God.
Become a branch at ECC and join a TEAM. You’ll be blessed by using your gifts to glorify God and serving in his Kingdom here on earth.
Hands 4 Christ
The Hands 4 Christ ministry is praise and worship using sign language, black lights, and white gloves. This is a dramatic and inspiring event. The ministry is made up of kids of all ages who love Christ and want to be a part of something wonderful. The kids range from Preschool age to High School age. The ministry has learned a number of songs and continues to learn more.
The hope is that these kids can show others their love for Christ through their interpretation. They are willing to travel to other churches or other locations.